
Virohanam Hospital Consultants Pvt Ltd.


Er Neeraj K. Sharma

Neeraj K. Sharma holds over 40 years of result-oriented experience encompassing his services at various levels in the Central government. The journey started with working from the grass root level to the policy-making in various aspects of the engineering services. Out of planning & executing many successful projects, Tyagraj stadium is one of the feathers in his cap. He develops his interest in medical architecture & towards special considerations related to healthcare projects in the middle of his career.

He had done extensive self-research to understand various engineering considerations and the functional process of all the service areas of a hospital. Holding many positions and responsibilities in the Government, he had been quite instrumental in leading the new initiatives for the improvement of the healthcare sector. He has hands-on expertise in planning and designing along with the execution, operation, and Maintenance of various services in hospitals.
He had done extensive self-research to understand various engineering considerations and the functional process of all the service areas of a hospital. Holding many positions and responsibilities in the Government, he had been quite instrumental in leading the new initiatives for the improvement of the healthcare sector. He has hands-on expertise in planning and designing along with the execution, operation, and Maintenance of various services in hospitals.